Some Ballroom Dance Rules You've Never Heard Of

  • Travel counter-clockwise. Dancers are supposed to travel around the floor in a counter-clockwise direction—don’t ruin the flow by going the wrong way!
  • Know your speed. Slower dancers should move towards the center of the dance floor and away from the outer edge

  • Dance invitations should be respected. It is rude to decline an invitation. And, contrary to popular belief, either a man or a woman can ask someone to dance.
  • Be a gentleman. It is customary for the man to walk the woman back to where she was before the dance.
  • Be courteous. After the dance, thank your partner and applaud the other dancers.
  • Always look left. When you turn right, look left. When you turn left, look more left.
  • Dress the part. Bare feet are not allowed on the dance floor, and it is good ballroom dance etiquette to have good hygiene and be well-groomed. Additionally, there are many nuances to wearing the right kind of dance attire.
  • Feet forward. Moonwalk or not, don’t walk backwards onto the dance floor. You could disturb the dancers mid-move and even annoy your own dance partner.
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